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菜單: https://reurl.cc/lZzaGv

【The Grand Palace・Sago Pudding with Peach Gum in Coconut Cream】
Replenish vital essence and nourish the lung; this pudding is made with chewy sago and crystal peach gum bursting with a coconut fragrance. Its the perfect Chinese dessert to nourish your health and skin this season.

New Menu: https://reurl.cc/lZzaGv
Promotion:Lunch Period: A la carte 25% OFF; Dinner Period: A la carte 15% OFF
Restaurant info: https://reurl.cc/pZ3q1d

#勵宮酒店 #勵皇軒 #LegendPalace #TheGrandPalace


資料來源: 漁人碼頭

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