新濠 烹飪濠體驗 新濠大師班75折優惠

澳門優惠 烹飪濠體驗 新濠大師班75折優惠 0

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【烹飪濠體驗 新濠大師班】

🫶#新濠風尚 每月均會為會員帶來不同特色的烹飪體驗,同時將獲獎主廚的獨門秘方帶到你家的廚房。接下來將會有一系列星級體驗班,課程後更可以在餐廳內享受當日用餐75折優惠,立即與家人好友一齊報名,把握機會與主廚更進一步交流入廚心得,了解法國料理的奧秘!

【 Rewarding cooking experience at Melco Masterclass】

🫶#MelcoStyle has always been committed to bringing different culinary experiences to members, meanwhile bringing the secret recipes of award-winning chefs to your home kitchen. Happily there will be a series of cooking classes coming soon, after the class participants can even enjoy a 25% off in restaurants on the same day. Reserve the class now with your friends and family and get to learn more about the secret of French cuisine from master chefs!


資料來源: 新濠

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!