澳門觀光塔 澳門旅遊塔生日快樂優惠
優惠期: - 可能己過期 (以內文作準*)
【🥳澳門旅遊塔生日快樂!| 二十周年酬謝客戶優惠套餐】
唔經唔覺,原來澳門旅遊塔今年已經 20 歲啦!為咗多謝大家一直以嚟嘅支持,我哋決定推出每席低至 MOP4788* 嘅中式菜譜宴會套餐,等大家都可以用超抵價舉辦宴會!唔好以為只係得優惠咁簡單喎,而家只要預訂 25 席或以上嘅晚市宴會套餐就有得享受無限量暢飲優惠同埋每席獲贈一支免費精選紅酒!即刻打下面營業部電話預訂查詢啦,優惠做到 11 月 30 號咋!
查詢及預訂:8988 8870
【🥳Happy Birthday to Macau Tower!| Macau Tower 20th Anniversary Customer Appreciation Package】
Time flies! Macau Tower is becoming 20 years old! To thank you for your support over the past years, we are offering Chinese meals as low as MOP4788* per table for foodies! Of course, we offer more than just discounts - reserve 25 or more tables at dinner session to enjoy free flow of soft drinks & beers for 3 hours, and get a complimentary bottle of house red wine per table! Call the number below for reservations before the offer ends on 30 Nov 2021!
*all prices subject to a 10% service charge
Enquiries & reservation: 8988 8870
資料來源: 澳門觀光塔