英皇娛樂酒店 英皇美食坊 返嚟啦推介
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#英皇美食坊 返嚟啦!醒神早餐、滋味下午茶、正宗的港式燒味、北方風味菜、西式焗飯、養生糖水......全部都有齊,絕對係附近返工嘅朋友的最佳「飯堂」🫶選擇!
愛辣的朋友,千祈唔好錯過我哋出品嘅川菜,包括水煮魚、辣子蝦等,香口惹味,送飯一流!特別推介 #水煮魚,師傅用秘製的湯頭加入鮮魚製作,保證每一片魚肉入口都鮮甜嫩滑,仲有 #脆皮燒腩肉、#半肥瘦蜜汁叉燒 等經典美味,更重要嘅係設有 #超值套餐 選擇,套餐價格從MOP 52起,你仲唔快啲約埋同事或朋友一齊嚟食個靚lunch?
#EmperorFoodCourt is back and better than ever. We offer fast, afternoon tea, authentic Hong Kong-style barbecue, Northern Chinese-style dishes and healthy sweet soups. Our set menus start from MOP 52, so it’s the perfect place to enjoy a delicious lunch with your colleagues or friends.
If you love spicy food, do not miss our Sichuan options, such as boiled fish fillets with chili oil and spicy shrimps with pepper. The boiled fish fillets (Shui Zhu Yu), which is made of fresh fish slices and cooked in a secret soup, it tastes juicy and full of flavor. We also offer classic delicacies like roasted pork belly and honey barbecue pork, all served in generous portions at great prices.
Come and enjoy a casual and delicious lunch with friends and colleagues.
英皇美食坊 Emperor Food Court
地點Location:英皇娛樂酒店三樓|Grand Emperor Hotel,3F
早餐Breakfast - 10:00-11:00
午市Lunch - 11:00-14:30
下午茶Afternoon Tea - 14:30-17:30
晚市Dinner - 17:30-22:00
#抵食午餐推薦 #OL午餐精選 #foodcourt #fast #lunchset #afternoontea #shuizhuyu
資料來源: 英皇娛樂酒店