

銀河 粉絲們是不是已經迫不及待與OneRepublic在今個星期日7折優惠


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粉絲們是不是已經迫不及待與OneRepublic在今個星期日,於全澳門最新最大的 #銀河綜藝館 搖滾整夜,期待現場一同大合唱多首熱門歌曲如《Apologize》、《Secrets》和《I Aint Worried》等!來看演唱前一定要記得登入“澳門銀河綜合度假城”微信小程序,成為銀河致尚會員,領取澳門元2,888吃喝玩樂大禮包!餐飲水療都有折扣!現在更有7折遊澳敞篷觀光巴士優惠!

Can’t wait to meet with #OneRepublic this Sunday and rock the night with their popular songs such as “Apologize”, “Secrets”, “I Aint Worried” and more at Macau’s newest and largest #GalaxyArena ! Make sure you don’t miss out on joining the Galaxy Macau Integrated Resort WeChat Mini Program as well as to get a MOP2,888 welcome gift pack, enjoy offers on dining, spa experiences, and a 30% off on the Macau Open-Top Bus tour!

#澳門銀河 #銀河綜藝館 #感受澳門樂無限 #澳門 #演唱會 #澳門演唱會 #澳門旅遊 #onerepublic #GalaxyMacau #GalaxyArena #ExperienceMacao #popmusic #Macau #concert #macauconcert #macautravel


資料來源: 銀河

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