麗思卡爾頓 祥龍瑞氣迎新春推廣

澳門優惠 祥龍瑞氣迎新春推廣 0

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Elevate your new years celebration with an authentic French flair at #TheRitzCarltonCafé. Treat your loved ones to a delightful blend of French delicacies and auspicious festive flavors, featuring French Oyster Platter, Prime Meat Platter and Hot Seafood Platter. Let us raise a glass to a year filled with prosperity and cheerful #RCMemories.

Promotion period: February 5 – 25, 2024
Reserve now: +853 8886 6868 | https://bit.ly/3LCvM4F

祥龍瑞氣迎新春,與摯愛親朋一同到「#麗思咖啡廳」品嘗豐盛的「新春節慶拼盤」,分享節日喜悅。餐廳主廚精心設計法國生蠔拼盤、精品肉類拼盤,以及炙燒海鮮拼盤等三款寓意盤滿缽滿的賀年拼盤,一道道法式美味伴您樂享新春假期,帶來幸福如意的 #麗思卡爾頓回憶。

立即預訂:+853 8886 6868 | https://bit.ly/3LGDmeo

#RitzCarltonMacau #RitzCarlton


資料來源: 麗思卡爾頓

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!