

新濠 農曆新年盛典 龍重登場大炮台禮物

澳門優惠 農曆新年盛典 龍重登場大炮台禮物 0

澳門優惠 農曆新年盛典 龍重登場大炮台禮物 1

澳門優惠 農曆新年盛典 龍重登場大炮台禮物 2

澳門優惠 農曆新年盛典 龍重登場大炮台禮物 3

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【🧧 農曆新年盛典 | 龍重登場大炮台🥳】


想於今個農曆年準備開運活動,就要趁年頭去 #龍重登場大炮台!多個大型節慶裝置打卡點,讓您捕捉到賀年歡樂的畫面,還有精彩的攤位遊戲,讓您一邊玩一邊享受喜慶的農曆新年氛圍中。現場更有音樂表演助興,並有機會從財神爺手中獲得賀年禮物,感受農曆新年的喜悅和祝福!🥳

開放時間:07:00 - 19:00 (2月13至17日特别開放至21:00)

【🧧 Lunar New Year Extravaganza | Celebrating the Year of the Dragon at Mount Fortress 🥳】

Hear the cannons roar, as the dragon brings fortune galore! May you rise with each step and prosper even more!

Get ready for the spectacular event, #DragonTakestheStage at Mount Fortress Garden, happening from February 9-25! Multiple large-scale festive installations will be set up for you to capture picture-perfect moments and engaging booth games that will immerse you in the joyous Lunar New Year atmosphere. Enjoy live music performances, and get a chance to receive special gifts from the God of Wealth himself. Dont miss out on tasting a variety of traditional New Year delicacies, as you join the local community and visitors to bask in the festive spirit, experiencing the joy and blessings of the Lunar New Year! 🥳

Dont miss this joyous and auspicious event! Come to Mount Fortress Garden, join us in welcoming the Spring and embracing blessings!
Venue: Mount Fortress Garden
Date: From Now Until February 25
Opening hours: 07:00 - 19:00 (Special opening hours until 21:00 from February 13-17)

#FestiveVibeOfTheLunarNewYear #CelebrateTheLunarNewYear #ShareLoveAndJoy #MountFortressGarden #Macao #澳門 #賀年熱鬧氣氛 #大炮台花園平台 #新春賀年 #愛與喜悅分享


資料來源: 新濠

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