

金沙 由即日起至2月29日優惠

澳門優惠 由即日起至2月29日優惠 0

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!

由即日起至2月29日,凡持有交通銀行信用卡的中國香港持卡人於巴黎人購物中心使用交通銀行信用卡簽賬滿港幣1,000元或以上,即可享高達5%簽賬回贈*!整個推廣期內, 同一信用卡帳戶於巴黎人購物中心消費,最多可享港幣200元簽賬回贈*!立即前來巴黎人購物中心,為摯愛送上溫暖窩心的禮物!更多詳情︰https://bit.ly/3SO9iAN


From now until February 29th, Hong Kong credit cardholder spend HK$1,000 or more with your Bank of Communications credit card at Shoppes at Parisian to enjoy up to 5% cashback on your purchases*! Throughout the promotion, each credit card account can receive maximum HK$200 cashback for spending at Shoppes at Parisian*! Come to Shoppes at Parisian and get a heartfelt gift for your beloved one! For more details: https://bit.ly/3SP9VtQ

*Terms and conditions apply


資料來源: 金沙

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!