

新濠 今日就係啦 新濠影滙 放大招8折優惠

澳門優惠 今日就係啦 新濠影滙 放大招8折優惠 0

澳門優惠 今日就係啦 新濠影滙 放大招8折優惠 1

澳門優惠 今日就係啦 新濠影滙 放大招8折優惠 2

澳門優惠 今日就係啦 新濠影滙 放大招8折優惠 3

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【今日就係啦~ 新濠影滙「放大招」】

今個暑假,#新濠影滙 連環放大招!涵蓋打卡、食、買,帶嚟多重驚喜!大家準備「接招」啦!特設一系列香蕉打卡裝置可以瘋狂打卡,身穿或佩戴指定衣飾即可免費乘坐「影滙之星」摩天輪!兼享「星滙餐廳」自助午餐/晚餐8折優惠。現場仲有特設一系列香蕉打卡裝置,包括5米高巨形香蕉及香蕉隧道等你打卡!做埋「新濠風尚」會員,在現場打卡並加上指定標籤上載到社交媒體,仲可以換領精美禮品1份*!

想同迷你兵團零距離接觸?7月14日更有限定見面會,2位人氣主角Stuart & Kevin將現身於影滙戲院,可以讓大家近距離同迷你兵團見面及合照!出示當日《壞蛋獎門人 4》戲票仲有機會一齊合照同帶走迷你兵團精美禮物*!



【Today is the day! Get ready for #StudioCityBananaWeekend】

Studio City is offering its hottest promotions on July 13 & 14 ever, and you wont want to miss a single one! Explore a banana-themed world specially designed for social-worthy photos – dress for the occasion and get a free ride on the Golden Reel Ferris Wheel, as well as a scrumptious 20% on a lunch or dinner buffet at Spotlight. Also there will be a series of banana-themed photo spots waiting for you, including a 5-meter-tall giant banana and a banana tunnel! Register to become a #MelcoStyle member, take a photo at these spots and upload it to social media with specific hashtags, you can also redeem a lovely gift*!

“Despicable Me 4” is now on the big screen! Want to get close with the Minions squad? At the exclusive meet-and-greet on July 14, the two popular characters from Despicable Me 4, Stuart & Kevin, will appear at the #StudioCityCinema, allowing audience who purchased and presented the July 14 Despicable Me 4 movie ticket to meet the Minions up close and take photos with them! Youll also receive a lovely Minions gift if you present your Despicable Me 4 movie ticket on the day*!

Grab all your friends and get immersed into a great summer holiday here at #StudioCity!

*Limited quantity available while stock lasts
More Details: https://bit.ly/3Lg3Vpr

#新濠影滙放大招 #StudioCityBananaWeekend #新濠風尚 #MelcoStyle #新濠影滙 #StudioCity #壞蛋獎門人4 #DespicableMe4


資料來源: 新濠

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