漁人碼頭 絲綢之路國際時裝週澳門巡演丨時尚登場免費

澳門優惠 絲綢之路國際時裝週澳門巡演丨時尚登場免費 0

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由「影藝創製社」主辦,#澳門漁人碼頭 支持的「絲綢之路國際時裝週澳門巡演」將在本週末舉行,並且免費入場。是次巡演透過時尚展演實景秀形式,展現澳門及內地時裝設計師的作品,帶動澳門文化旅遊宣傳。即刻約上身邊潮人朋友體驗時裝設計嘅魅力!


“Silk Road International Fashion Week Macao Tour丨Fashion Debut”
The Tour organized by “Film and Show Production Association” and supported by Macau Fisherman’s Wharf will be held this weekend. The tour will showcases the works of Macau and Mainland China fashion designers through live fashion shows to promote Macau cultural tourism. Let’s invite your fashion friends now to experience the charm of fashion design!

*Free Admission
Date: 20th July, 2024
Time: From 16:00
Venue: Legend Boulevard, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf (Near Rocks Hotel)

#澳門 #旅遊 #時尚 #打卡 #景點 #MacauFishermansWharf #MFW #Macau #Fashion #Travel #Attractions


資料來源: 漁人碼頭

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