美高梅 美高梅與澳門科學館合辦 可持續發展科創及綠色技能教育計劃推廣

澳門優惠 美高梅與澳門科學館合辦 可持續發展科創及綠色技能教育計劃推廣 0

澳門優惠 美高梅與澳門科學館合辦 可持續發展科創及綠色技能教育計劃推廣 1

澳門優惠 美高梅與澳門科學館合辦 可持續發展科創及綠色技能教育計劃推廣 2

澳門優惠 美高梅與澳門科學館合辦 可持續發展科創及綠色技能教育計劃推廣 3

澳門優惠 美高梅與澳門科學館合辦 可持續發展科創及綠色技能教育計劃推廣 4

澳門優惠 美高梅與澳門科學館合辦 可持續發展科創及綠色技能教育計劃推廣 5

澳門優惠 美高梅與澳門科學館合辦 可持續發展科創及綠色技能教育計劃推廣 6

澳門優惠 美高梅與澳門科學館合辦 可持續發展科創及綠色技能教育計劃推廣 7

澳門優惠 美高梅與澳門科學館合辦 可持續發展科創及綠色技能教育計劃推廣 8

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在活動當天,為了讓學生們更深入了解可持續發展的理念,除了安排參觀科學館內充滿互動體驗的可持續發展廳外。美高梅還在科學館舉辦了一場以” 塑膠重塑”為主題的工作坊——將塑膠瓶蓋升級再造成獨一無二的生活用品,親身體驗到變廢為寶的樂趣。這次活動不僅讓學生們認識到澳門固體廢物的趨勢現狀,以及作為地球公民我們應如何由衣食住行入手,從自身做起,減少不必要的浪費和污染。

出席活動的嘉賓包括澳門特別行政區政府社會文化司司長歐陽瑜女士、美高梅中國控股有限公司總裁及執行董事馮小峰先生、澳門特別行政區政府教育及青年發展局局長、澳門科學館股份有限公司股東會主席 龔志明先生、澳門科學館股份有限公司董事長 穆欣欣女士、美高梅人力資源執行副總裁 余婉瑩女士、澳門特別行政區政府教育及青年發展局副局長、澳門科學館股份有限公司副董事長兼執行委員會主席 黃嘉祺先生
、美高梅人力資源及可持續發展高級副總裁 李建恆先生、澳門科學館股份有限公司董事兼執行委員會委員、館長 邵漢彬先生、中國綠色建築與節能(澳門)協會 會長 卓重賢先生。


MGM and Macao Science Center jointly launched the Sustainable Development Innovation & Technology and Green Skills Education Campaign

In a concerted effort to advance sustainable development, technological innovation, and green technology education, MGM and the Macao Science Center have launched the Sustainable Development Innovation & Technology and Green Skills Education Campaign. Officially inaugurated on July 16 at the Macao Science Center Convention Hall, the event drew 200 students and industry professionals to attend.
As a company dedicated to promoting green, low-carbon, and sustainable development, MGM shares a common vision with the Macao Science Center. Over the next three years, this partnership will facilitate science popularization activities, workshops, national science and innovation competitions, and establish Macaus first educational space focused on Youth Green Skills. These initiatives aim to cultivate the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes necessary for a sustainable and resource-efficient society, thereby contributing to the green transition.
The campaigns inaugural project is a national youth science popularization competition themed Shaping a Green Life Together. Organized by the China Green Building Council of CSUS, this competition targets students from the second year of junior high to the second year of senior high nationwide. The aim is to deepen students understanding of the current environmental situation, the harm caused by plastic waste, and the classification and recycling of plastic products. By applying the 4R green concept—Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Replace—in their daily lives, students will be encouraged to cultivate a green, low-carbon, and healthy lifestyle.
On the event day, our primary aim was to deepen the students’ understanding of sustainable development principles. To this end, in addition to arranging visits to the Sustainable Development Gallery at the Macao Science Center, MGM also hosted a workshop at the Macao Science Center focused on Plastic Upcycling, where plastic bottle caps were creatively upgraded and transformed into unique living goods. This hands-on activity allowed students to experience the joy of turning waste into valuable products. The workshop not only educated students about the current trends of solid waste management in Macau but also emphasized the importance of reducing unnecessary waste and pollution in our daily lives. It encouraged students to adopt sustainable habits in their everyday activities, encompassing eating, clothing, housing, and commuting, thereby fostering a sense of responsibility as global citizens.
Distinguished guests attending the event included, Ms. Ao Ieong U, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Mr. Kenneth Feng, President and Executive Director of MGM China Holdings Limited, Mr. Kong Chi Meng, Director of the Education and Youth Development Bureau and President of the shareholders of the Macao Science Center, Ms. Mok Ian Ian, Board of Directors of the Macao Science Center, Ms. Wendy Yu, Executive Vice President of Human Resources at MGM, Mr. Wong Ka Ki, Deputy Director of the Education and Youth Development Bureau and Vice-President and President of Executive Committee of the Macao Science Center, Mr. Keith Lei, Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Sustainability at MGM, Mr. Sio Hon Pan, Board Member and Executive Committee Member, and Curator of the Macao Science Center, Mr. Albert Chuck, Director of Low Carbon Green Hotel Development Alliance.

Over the next three years, we will work hand in hand with the Macao Science Center to promote the mission of sustainable development, empower youth with green skills, and contribute to Macaus decarbonization goals.

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資料來源: 美高梅

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