君悅酒店 正宗北方韻味 Authentic Taste of North優惠

澳門優惠 正宗北方韻味 Authentic Taste of North優惠 0

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【正宗北方韻味 Authentic Taste of North】
#滿堂彩 帶您味遊北方,感受傳統中國北方佳餚的精髓,必試特色菜餚包括「老式果木烤鴨」、「經典芝麻菠菜」 、「老北京乾炒大蝦」、「松鼠桂花魚」,以及一系列手工麵食及特色甜品等。

為慶祝滿堂彩之回歸,我們為您準備了驚喜限時優惠,預約訂座即可以優惠價MOP 388* 品嚐全隻「老式果木烤鴨」。誠邀您明天展開一場北方美食之旅,體驗正宗的北方滋味!

推廣日期: 2024年7月18日至8 月31日
營業時間: 下午12:00 – 下午3:00 / 下午5:30 – 下午10:00
優惠價: MOP 388*/ 隻
原價: MOP 768*/ 隻

立即預訂: +853 8868 1930 或 https://bit.ly/3H7GVan

Embark on a culinary journey at #BeijingKitchen. Our chefs present the authentic flavors of Northern China, specializing in Traditional Beijing Style Duck, Spinach, sesame paste, aged vinegar, mustard oil, Honey glazed tiger prawn, chili, ginger and Crispy mandarin fish, sweet and sour sauce, as well as a selection of hand-pulled noodles and desserts.

To celebrate the return of Beijing Kitchen, a surprise offer awaits you! Enjoy traditional Beijing-style duck with a reopening special offer at MOP 388* by making a reservation. Come and experience the New Beijing Kitchen tomorrow!

‘Beijing Kitchen is Back’ Reopening Offer
Promotion period: July 18 - August 31, 2024
Opening Hours: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM/ 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Special offer: MOP 388*/ pc
Original Price: MOP 768*/ pc

Book now: +853 8868 1930 或 or https://bit.ly/3H7GVan

* All prices are in MOP and subject to 10% service charge. Reservations must be made in advance due to limited offer. Terms and conditions apply.

Follow us on Instagram and WeChat:
Instagram: grandhyattmacau
WeChat: 澳门君悦酒店
#GrandHyattMacau #GrandHyatt #澳門君悅酒店 #GoGrand


資料來源: 君悅酒店

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