新濠 濠玩夏令營 盛夏狂熱持續升溫免費

澳門優惠 濠玩夏令營 盛夏狂熱持續升溫免費 0

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!


星級名人輪番上陣同現場觀衆近距離互動玩遊戲!嚟緊每個周末粉絲們如想與 #阮兆祥、 #陸浩明、 #JW王灝兒、 #金剛 等名人嘉賓狂歡暢玩,就萬勿錯過!同場更帶來精彩樂隊表演、派發多款禮品同埋免費雪糕,讓你的暑期週末更精彩豐盛!

時間:14:00 – 17:00

更多詳情: https://bit.ly/3Lz4M4M

【The summer fever continues to heat up at #CODSummerFun 】

Get ready to interact face-to-face and play games with your favourite celebs! Don’t miss out on this spectacle to meet celebs like #LouisYuen, #LukHoMing, #JoeyWong, #KingKong and more in the upcoming weeks! During the event, there will also be exciting busking performances, various souvenirs and free ice-cream giveaway, making your summer weekends even more exciting and fulfilling!

Date: From now until Sep 1 (every Sat and Sun)
Time: 14:00 – 17:00
*Free entry

Learn more: https://bit.ly/3y9lbK2

#新濠天地 #CityofDreams #濠玩夏令營 #CODSummerFun #免費入場 #澳門好去處 #暑假必去


資料來源: 新濠

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!