金沙 開賣提醒9折優惠
優惠期: 2024-08-20 至 2024-12-31 己過期 (以內文作準*)
開賣提醒!《Dear Jane Live at The Londoner》門票現已公開發售。記得預留時間購票,一同在倫敦人綜藝館回顧Dear Jane的音樂征程,感受Dear Jane多元的音樂宇宙!: https://bit.ly/4dM840A
On-sale reminder! Tickets for Dear Jane Live at The Londoner is available now. Let’s embark on a music journey with Dear Jane and experience the diversity of Dear Jane music universe at The Londoner Arena! : https://bit.ly/4dLOqSr
*From now until 31 December, guest can enjoy a 10% off offer while purchase ferry ticket at designated Cotai Water Jet ticketing counter by present the ticket of Sands Resort Macao show or concert, or exhibition.
#澳門倫敦人 #LondonerMacao #金沙娛樂 #SandsEntertainment
重磅回歸!香港人氣搖滾樂隊Dear Jane將於9月28、29日在倫敦人綜藝館舉行《Dear Jane Live at The Londoner》!這場演唱會將作為Dear Jane二十周年紀念計劃的序幕,屆時四子將為粉絲送上一系列重新編曲演繹的人氣作品,更將首度現場披露二十周年紀念大碟收錄的全新音樂作品。讓我們一同感受Dear Jane多元的音樂宇宙,請密切關註專頁,留意門票發售的最新消息
【Dear Jane Live at The Londoner】
票價:澳門幣/港幣 VIP $1,388 | A區 $1,088 | B區 $788 | C區 $588
The renowned Hong Kong rock band, Dear Jane is going to present the exclusive live show Dear Jane Live at The Londoner at The Londoner Arena on September 28 and 29! This concert will serve as the prologue to Dear Jane’s 20th-anniversary celebration schedule, featuring Dear Janes popular hits in recreated version and live debut of the new songs from the 20th-anniversary album. Join us in exploring the new chapter of the Dear Jane music universe and stay tuned for the latest ticket sales information
【Dear Jane Live at The Londoner】
Date: September 28-29, 2024
Time: 8:00 P.M. on Saturday; 7:00 P.M on Sunday
Venue: The Londoner Arena
Ticket Pricing: MOP/HKD VIP $1,388 | A Reserve $1,088 | B Reserve $788 | C Reserve $588
Ticketing Channel: Cotai Ticketing, Macau Ticket, Damai
#澳門倫敦人 #LondonerMacao #金沙娛樂 #SandsEntertainment
資料來源: 金沙