新濠 那英2024我在澳門演唱會 精選娛樂套票優惠

澳門優惠 那英2024我在澳門演唱會 精選娛樂套票優惠 0

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【 #那英2024我在澳門演唱會 精選娛樂套票】​

載譽登埸,那英即將嚟到澳門 #新濠影滙綜藝館 開2場show!不如趁10月有假嚟放鬆一下~ #新濠影滙 為你準備咗多款演唱會娛樂套票,畀你投入音樂之餘仲可以盡情玩樂!即刻叫埋成班朋友一齊plan行程啦🏻 ​

‍‍‍四人行演唱會套票 ​
套票由澳門幣 5,228起 ​
(適用於A區澳門幣 1,688,B區澳門幣 1,288或C區澳門幣 988門票) ​
包括演唱會門票4張及澳門幣 3,000餐飲娛樂劵。畀你同家人朋友喺新濠影滙盡情吃喝玩樂!​

水上樂園演唱會套票 ​
套票由澳門幣 1,238起 ​
(適用於A區澳門幣 1,688,B區澳門幣 1,288或C區澳門幣 988門票) ​

演出日期:10 月 5-6 日 ​
演出時間:19:00 ​
演出場地:#澳門新濠影滙綜藝館 ​


【Na Ying in Macau Concert Exclusive Entertainment Packages】​

Na Ying is coming to #StudioCityEventCentre to hold two concerts! #StudioCity has prepared concert entertainment packages. Offering the ultimate concert experience, immersing you in the music and also enjoy a thrilling adventure to the fullest. Its time to book your tickets and plan schedule with your friends and family🏻~​

‍‍‍Friends & Family Concert Package ​
Package starts at MOP 5,228​
(Package valid for Zone A tickets priced at MOP 1,688, Zone B tickets priced at MOP ​1,288 and Zone C tickets priced at MOP 988)​
Including concert tickets for 4 and MOP 3,000 dining and entertainment voucher. Enjoy endless fun, food and entertainment with your friends and family at Studio City!​

Water Park Concert Package ​
Package starts at MOP 1,238​
(Package valid for Zone A tickets priced at MOP 1,688, Zone B tickets priced at MOP ​1,288 and Zone C tickets priced at MOP 988)​
Including concert ticket and Water Park admission ticket for 1. Enjoy both indoor and outdoor areas in one go!​

Concert Date: October 5-6 ​
Time: 19:00 ​
Location: #StudioCityEventCenter ​
Package details and more information: https://bit.ly/3WADbp7

^Offers are subject to terms and conditions. Please click the link for more details.​

#LiveConcert #那英 #Macau #StudioCityMacau #新濠風尚 #MelcoStyle #新濠影滙 #演唱會 #新濠演唱會 #那英澳門演唱會 #那英澳門演唱會2024 #NaYingInMacau #演唱會娛樂套票


資料來源: 新濠

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