銀河 星際酒店 情定永恆婚宴展快閃優惠88折
優惠期: 2024-10-12 至 2024-10-13 己過期 (以內文作準*)
星際酒店將於10月12至13日舉行一連兩日的 #婚宴展,攜一眾本地 #婚慶品牌 商家,為親臨現場的準新人們呈獻一站式的 #婚禮策劃 服務。作為國際五星級豪華酒店,座落於澳門核心區域的 #星際酒店 一直是締造尊尚婚禮的理想之選 —— 既有寬敞開揚、富麗堂皇的無柱式宴會大禮堂作為完美婚禮場地,更推出全澳最新最大高清LED巨型屏幕,還有經驗豐富、專業細緻的婚禮策劃,一絲不苟地打點和照料婚禮中的每個細節,確保為新人們留下一生難忘的專屬記憶🏻♀🏻。
即場預定星際酒店及 #澳門銀河 指定場地的婚宴套餐,立享限時88 折及更多升級禮遇等驚喜祝福:
【StarWorld Hotel, Where Forever Begins 12% Off Wedding Packages】
StarWorld Hotel is thrilled to announce the upcoming #WeddingFair set to take place at the Grand Ballroom on October 12 & 13. Collaborating with a variety of local wedding vendors, the event aims to offer soon-to-be-wed couples an one-stop wedding planning experience. Located in the heart of Macau, #StarWorldHotel is a renowned international five-star luxury hotel and also a perfect choice for luxurious weddings. The hotel boasts a spacious, pillar-less Grand Ballroom, featuring the largest and newest high-resolution LED screen in Macau. Complemented by experienced and professional wedding planning, the hotel ensures meticulous attention to every detail for a memorable wedding event.
Book on-site the wedding packages at StarWorld Hotel and designated venues at #GalaxyMacau and enjoy exclusive 12% off wedding packages and additional perks:
Free corkage
Free flow of selected beverage
Complimentary Grand Resort Deck day passes
Exclusive wedding privileges at designated hotels
Date: October 12-13, 2024
Time: 12pm to 8pm
Location: Grand Ballroom, 8F, StarWorld Hotel
資料來源: 銀河