銀河 銀河賀雙慶國風頌古今 眼花了嗎優惠
優惠期: 2024-09-15 至 2024-10-20 己過期 (以內文作準*)
#銀河賀雙慶國風頌古今 眼花了嗎!?竟然見到古代人坐開篷巴士!今明兩日,他們專程穿越到澳門,聯同 「#澳門銀河」向大家派發過節邀請函,更會在中秋當晚(9.17)與你浪漫巡遊度假城,派發禮品一同慶賀佳節!歡迎大家一齊換上華美漢服加入巡遊隊伍~♀♂
Experience the enchanting blend of ancient and modern at #GalaxyMacau! Witness time travelers arrive in the city via open-top bus, distributing festive invitations today and tomorrow. Don your finest Hanfu and join us for a spectacular Mid-Autumn Festival parade on September 17! ♀♂
Seeking the ultimate festive vibe in Macau? From now until October 20, dive into an array of traditional and cultural celebrations at Galaxy Macau. Enjoy traditional cultural performances, embark on Love Between Fairy and Devil VR adventures, try on beautiful Hanfu, indulge in autumn gourmet delights, and enjoy fabulous shopping rewards. Make sure to visit our lantern art installations and interact to collect free, limited-edition gift!
Learn more: https://www.galaxymacau.com/DCN4tatBgV/
#澳門銀河國風盛典 #雙慶同歡 #國風奇幻之旅 #穿越 #澳門銀河 #FestiveAutumn #DoubleCelebration #GalaxyMacau #CulturalJourney
資料來源: 銀河