澳門觀光塔 一脈傳 城 盛世蓮開 2024 京澳雙城影像展免費

澳門優惠 一脈傳 城 盛世蓮開 2024 京澳雙城影像展免費 0

澳門優惠 一脈傳 城 盛世蓮開 2024 京澳雙城影像展免費 1

澳門優惠 一脈傳 城 盛世蓮開 2024 京澳雙城影像展免費 2

澳門優惠 一脈傳 城 盛世蓮開 2024 京澳雙城影像展免費 3

澳門優惠 一脈傳 城 盛世蓮開 2024 京澳雙城影像展免費 4

澳門優惠 一脈傳 城 盛世蓮開 2024 京澳雙城影像展免費 5

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《一脈傳 “城” 盛世蓮開——2024 京澳雙城影像展》

為慶祝中華人民共和國成立 75 周年暨澳門回歸祖國 25 周年,信德集團聯合澳門北京社團總會、中國文物保護基金會、北京京企中軸線保護公益基金會,在 #澳門旅遊塔 會展娛樂中心舉辦《一脈傳 “城” 盛世蓮開——2024 京澳雙城影像展》。展覽免費向公眾開放至今年 12 月 31 日。

展覽圍繞列入聯合國科教文組織《世界遺產名錄》的「#北京中軸線 —— 中國理想都城秩序的傑作」以及「#澳門歷史城區」,展出了由兩地攝影師、知名畫家精心拍攝、潛心創作的100幅攝影作品和42幅畫作。

作品集中描繪京澳兩地居民的現代生活場景,展現出人們對美好生活的追求與嚮往。透過對攝影作品進行主題化組合展示,讓參觀者領略到兩座城市的歷史韻味和現代活力,可以感受到兩地人民對於 #文化傳承 和創新的嘗試與探索,以及對於和諧共生、可持續發展理念的理解與實踐。

“Heritage across Cities, Prosperity in Bloom — 2024 Beijing-Macao Photography Exhibition”

In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th anniversary of Macau‘s return to the motherland, #ShunTakGroup, in collaboration with the General Association of Macau Beijing Organization, China Foundation for Cultural Heritage Conservation, and the Beijing Central Axis Protection Foundation, host “Heritage across Cities, Prosperity in Bloom — 2024 Beijing-Macao Photography Exhibition”, at #MacauTower. The exhibition is free to the public and will run until December 31, 2024.

The exhibition focuses on the “Beijing Central Axis — A Building Ensemble Exhibiting the Ideal Order of the Chinese Capital” and the ”Historic Center of Macao“, both included on the World Heritage List, with 100 photographs and 42 paintings created by photographers and renowned artists from both regions.

The exhibition vividly portrays scenes from the modern lives of residents in both Beijing and Macau, reflecting their aspirations for a better life. Through a thematic arrangement of the photography, viewers are invited to experience the historical charm and contemporary vitality of both cities. It also conveys the efforts of the people in these regions to explore and innovate in cultural heritage, while embodying their understanding and practice of the concepts of harmonious coexistence and sustainable development.

#展覽 #文化 #藝術 #旅遊 #文化旅遊 #北京 #澳門
#cultureBLISS #artBLISS #China #Macau #Tourism #CulturalTourism
#ShunTakGroup #ShunTak #信德集團


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

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