新濠 黃金周新濠尊享購物禮遇免費
優惠期: 2024-09-30 至 2024-10-07 己過期 (以內文作準*)
禮遇一: 黃金周購物濠賞
由即日起至10月07日,#新濠風尚 會員於新濠天地任何兩間指定零售商戶購物或餐飲消費滿澳門幣5,000或以上,即享高達澳門幣80,000購物或餐飲消費禮券回贈,另外迪斐世專享會會員更可享額外購物獎賞!
詳情 : https://bit.ly/3N7MaJO
禮遇二: 迪斐世赢取百萬富翁體驗
迪斐世專享會會員於迪斐世購物滿澳門幣 888,即可參加抽獎! 贏取豐富禮品包括迪斐世尊享會一百萬積分、巴黎雙人商務艙來回機票、摩珀斯酒店尊致套房住宿一晚及禮賓專車接載服務一次!於迪斐世購物並使用黃金周購物濠賞消費禮券, 更可獲得額外抽獎機會! 讓你享受澳門最奢華的購物體驗!
禮遇三: 藝賞有禮
由即日起,#新濠風尚 會員於 #藝賞天地 及新濠天地場內或 #Artelli藝術空間 尋找藝術品打卡拍照,上載到社交媒體平臺,並標記指定主題標籤,即可免費換領無門檻澳門幣50新濠餐飲禮券,一起約定三五知己, 發現不一樣的藝術魅力!
詳情: https://bit.ly/3Nc48uF
【Enjoy Exclusive Shopping Privilege in Golden Week with Triple Rewards at “COD”!】
Privilege 1: Melco Style Golden Week Shopping Rewards
From now to October 7, #MelcoStyle members who spend MOP5,000 or more on shopping or dining at any two participating outlets under City of Dreams can enjoy up to MOP 80,000 consumption vouchers. There are also extra shopping rewards for DFS Circle members.
For details: https://bit.ly/3XOprHE
Terms & Conditions apply.
Privilege 2: DFS Win Your Millionaire Moment
DFS CIRCLE member are eligible to join DFS Lucky Draw upon purchasing over MOP 888, additional lucky draw chance of using Golden Week Shopping Rewards! Stand a chance to win 1 Million DFS CIRCLE points, business class round trip ticket to Paris or one-night stay at Morpheus Prestige Suite with local round trip limousine service to enjoy Macaus most luxurious shopping experiences!
Terms & Conditions apply. See store for details.
Privilege 3: Melco Style Art in the City Rewards
From now, #MelcoStyle members snap photos at any artwork of #ArtOfTheCity and #Artelli in #CityOfDreams and share the images on social media platforms with designated hashtags can receive a MOP 50 Melco dining voucher! Invite your friend to have fun and discover the Artistic Charm!
More Details: https://bit.ly/3zEFzn4
Terms & Condition apply.
資料來源: 新濠