新濠 全城玩轉 心寒影滙 萬聖節活動全攻略8折優惠
優惠期: - 可能己過期 (以內文作準*)
【全城玩轉「心寒影滙」 萬聖節活動全攻略!】
無懼風雨,一家大細齊齊參加10月31日全澳門最大型萬聖節Cosplay巡遊, 仲有超正糖果放題🎃! 一齊化身時尚小嘩鬼盡情打卡;萬聖節當晚「 血壓升降機」及 「反轉嘩鬼HalloWin」的開放時間更延長至10點 , 一齊玩到夜一夜!
同場仲有大人細路都鍾意嘅 #萬聖節限定美食,”Thrill”住享受美味同萌度滿分嘅合家歡萬聖節!今個萬聖節,除咗精心置裝、扮鬼扮馬,更加唔少得品嚐應節餐飲!凡穿著萬聖節服飾惠顧「星滙餐廳」【「萬聖鬼味」海鮮烤肉自助晚餐】即享買3送1;惠顧「意滙」、「意滙.手工薄餅」、「載運美式餐室」、「巨星酒廊」及「羅浮餅廊及輕食」亦可享 8 折優惠,感受驚喜趣怪氣氛啦!
濠~盞鬼Trick or Treat 大巡遊🧛🏻♀🧟🧙🏻♂
晚上7點45分於時代廣場集結一眾嘩鬼,聯同巡遊隊伍出發到各商戶大玩Trick or Treat,沿途不但有精彩表演,更會派發豐富的神秘禮品!其中包括小南瓜、鬼怪造型皮納塔、以及夾娃娃機代幣換領券,到時記住要同一班嘩鬼影相打卡啊!
仲有幾日就到,記得Mark定日子,帶埋一家大細齊齊嚟「心寒影滙」 享受合家歡難忘萬聖節🏻
【Get spooked at #StudioCreepy this Halloween!】
Join us in the grandest parade in Macau on 31st October regardless of bad weather! After parading, come and enjoy the greatest candy feast ever🎃! Join the “Spooktacular Kids’ Halloween Dress-up Party” to capture the unforgettable moment. The “Halloween Screamfest”, and “Life of Screams” experience will be extending the thrill till 10pm on Halloween Day, we dare you to come test your guts!
In addition to dressing up and having fun, you cant miss out on the seasonal dining delights! People wearing Halloween costumes who dines at Spotlight can enjoy a buy 3 get 1 free deal on the Halloween Seafood and BBQ Buffet. Dining at Rossi Trattoria Rossi Pizza JoyrideDiner PremiereBar and LouvrePastry will also offer you a 20% discount, so hurry over to try it out!
【Halloween exclusive events at #StudioCreepy 🎃】
Spook-ids Costume Party
Time: 6:30-7:30pm
The giant pumpkin platform will transform into a stylish Halloween costume stage for everyone to join the dress-up photo game. Once you’re done, you can download up to 3 photos, and win yourself some prize!
#StudioCreepy Trick or Treat Parade 🧛🏻♀🧟🧙🏻♂
Time: 8:00-9:00pm
Gather at Times Square at 7:45 PM with a crowd of ghouls as we set off with the parade to enjoy Trick or Treat at various merchants. Along the way, there will be exciting performances and plenty of mysterious gifts! Including mini pumpkins, Ganawawa vouchers, and themed piñata. Don’t forget to take some spooked pictures with our actors!
*Parade gifts will only be distributed to guests holding a Studio City Candy Bag”
Giant Pumpkin Candy Feast
Time: 9:00-10:00pm
The 6-meter-high pumpkin in Time Square will start the candy fountain extravaganza, the fountain will release candies continuously. Grab your “Studio City Candy Bag” and collect as much as you can!
With just a few days to go, remember to mark the date and bring your beloved family to enjoy an exhilarating adventure at #StudioCreepy !🏻
*Terms and conditions apply.
#新濠影滙 #新濠風尚 #心寒影滙 #StudioCity #MelcoStyle #StudioCreepy
資料來源: 新濠