銀河 山里 初冬美食探奇8折優惠
優惠期: 2024-11-01 至 2024-11-30 己過期 (以內文作準*)
【「山里」- 初冬美食探奇】
香箱蟹是石川縣的寶貝,鮮美的蟹肉佐以多汁的蘋果,每一口都是秋天的味道,簡直是天作之合!而鮮嫩的鮟鱇魚肝 清蒸後再搭配醋漬蕪菁,甘香清甜,絕對讓您味蕾大開!燒物選用高脂肪含量的富士鰤魚,再配上芳香的九條蔥,鮮香四溢!更不能錯過當季水果——柿子! 總廚將濃厚的柿乾配搭幼滑的奶油芝士,口感綿密!會席中除了有當日精選刺身,更有充滿大理石花纹的頂級佐賀和牛西冷,每道佳餚均創意及傳統並重,賞心悅目。
來「山里」,以味覺、視覺感受初冬之美!立即預約:+853 8883 5127
供應日期︰ 2024年11月1日至30日,下午5時30分至晚上10時(星期一休息)
了解更多: https://www.galaxymacau.com/zh-hant/CRqNC95FLi/
【Yamazato - Early Winter Gourmet Adventure】
November has arrived, marking early winter in Japan. Its the perfect time to taste the famous Kobako crab and monkfish liver from Ishikawa! Executive Chef Hayashi Hideaki brings you a feast with these precious ingredients sourced directly from the origin.
Kobako crab , a treasure of Ishikawa, boasts tender meat paired with fresh apples —each bite is a taste of autumn! The tender monkfish liver , steamed and served with vinegar and marinated turnips, is rich and sweet, sure to delight your taste buds! Don’t miss out the Japanese yellowtail fish which imparts a distinct marine sweetness when paired with the aromatic Kujo spring onion. The persimmon is at its finest! Chef Hayashi pairs dense persimmon with creamy cheese for a smooth texture! The feast includes daily selected sashimi, top-grade Saga sirloin steak with marbled patterns, every dish balancing creativity and tradition.
Come to Yamazato and experience the beauty of early winter through taste and sight! Reserve now: +853 8883 5127
Promotion Period: 17:30 – 22:00, Nov 1 – 30 (closed every Monday)
Location: Yamazato – 28/F, Hotel Okura Macau
Price: $1,680 per person
Enjoy up to 20% discount with your ICBC Galaxy Macau Credit Card
Learn more: https://www.galaxymacau.com/CRqNC95FLi/
#澳門銀河 #舌尖品亞洲峰味聚銀河 #山里 #澳門大倉酒店 #會席料理 #日本料理 #GalaxyMacau #1diningdestination #Yamazato #macaufood #okurahotels #okura_macau #hotelokuramacau #kaiseki
資料來源: 銀河