銀河 銀河聲薈85折優惠
優惠期: - 可能己過期 (以內文作準*)
「#澳門銀河」 榮幸邀請到舉世矚目的鋼琴巨星 #郎朗,首度登上 #銀河國際會議中心 的舞台,於2025 年 1 月 19 日為你呈現一場古典音樂的高雅盛典。
音樂會上,郎朗將帶來蕭邦的《瑪祖卡舞曲》,並聯袂活躍於國際舞台的傑出華人指揮家、澳門樂團音樂總監兼首席指揮廖國敏,帶領澳門樂團,以細膩的音樂情感,演奏拉赫曼尼諾夫的《第二鋼琴協奏曲》, 同場樂團將演出蕭斯塔高維奇的《節日序曲》以及馬斯卡尼的《鄉村騎士》間奏曲等傳世佳作,共同呈現一場跨越時空的音樂盛宴。
能下樓直達銀河國際會議中心的 #澳門安達仕酒店 更推出門票連住宿套票!
出示有效門票,即可享 「#澳門銀河」 和 #星際酒店 指定餐廳高達85折優惠!
場地: 銀河國際會議中心
活動日期: 2025年1月19日 | 下午5時
公開發售: 2024年12月9日 | 中午12時
澳門售票網: https://www.macauticket.com/TicketWeb2023/programme/P-055199
銀河票務: https://www.galaxyticketing.com/h5/hant/#/allEvents/detail?projectId=50000000209001
Cityline: https://cultural.cityline.com/tc/2024/langlangandmacaoorchestra.html
【Galaxy Music Gala: Lang Lang and Macao Orchestra】
#GalaxyMacau is very proud to present the illustrious pianist #LangLang at the #GalaxyInternationalConventionCenter on Sunday, January 19, 2025.
At the Galaxy Music Gala, Lang Lang will immerse you in the intricate beauty of Chopin’s Mazurkas. He will be joining hands with Macao Orchestra, under the baton of the distinguished Chinese conductor, Music Director and Principal Conductor of Macao Orchestra, Lio Kuokman for a riveting rendition of Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No. 2. The meticulously curated program also includes Orchestra’s performance of poignant masterpieces such as Shostakovich’s Festive Overture and Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana. It is an extravaganza that is nothing short of spectacular.
Exclusive offers:
Directly connected to Galaxy International Convention Center, #AndazMacau is also offering concert ticket & hotel package. For more related offers, stay tuned!
Pay with your BOC Visa Credit Card to enjoy 15% off on Galaxy Music Gala: Lang Lang and Macao Orchestra concert ticket.*
Buy one get one free on Love Between Fairy and Devil VR Experience.
Enjoy up to 15% off at selected restaurants in #GalaxyMacau and #StarWorldHotel by presenting a valid show ticket.
*Apply to Macau Ticketing only
Galaxy Music Gala: Lang Lang and Macao Orchestra
Venue: Galaxy International Convention Center
Event Date & Time: January 19, 2025 | 17:00
Public Sales: December 9, 2024 | 12:00
Ticketing Platforms
Macau Ticketing: https://www.macauticket.com/TicketWeb2023/en/programme/P-055199
Galaxy Ticketing: https://www.galaxyticketing.com/h5/en/#/allEvents/detail?projectId=50000000209001
Cityline: https://cultural.cityline.com/sc/2024/langlangandmacaoorchestra.html
資料來源: 銀河