新濠 暢玩各大矚目娛樂設施 只需 MOP488優惠

澳門優惠 暢玩各大矚目娛樂設施 只需 MOP488優惠 0

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【 暢玩各大矚目娛樂設施 只需 MOP488 】

想自由自在,五日玩盡 #新濠影滙 各項娛樂設施?新濠風尚會員而家可以 澳門幣 488,享受總值澳門幣 908 嘅歡樂時光! 即刻選購「玩樂紛FUN通」,由購買日起計五日,一票玩盡室內水上樂園,乘搭影滙之星觀賞澳門全景,再同小朋友喺滿紛樂園盡情玩樂,同埋喺影滙戲院 欣賞熱門好戲! 一次享盡繽fun體驗!

#新濠風尚 會員專享優惠:澳門幣 488*

詳情: https://bit.ly/4fIDVAL


【Enjoy a world of excitement for just MOP 488】

Dive into the excitement in #StudioCity ! Melco Style Member can unlock a 5-day journey of thrill at MOP 488 (originate at MOP 908) with our incredible FUNtastic Four Package! Delight in thrilling adventures at the Water Park, take a breathtaking ride on the iconic figure-8 Ferris Wheel, explore the wonders of the Super Fun Zone, and unwind with a cozy movie experience at Studio City Cinema! Get ready to unlock days filled with limitless fun and laughter for a fantastic 5-day journey !

#MelcoStyle Member Exclusive: MOP 488*

Details: https://bit.ly/4eQ6lr2

*Same price for adults and children


資料來源: 新濠

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