銀河 盤滿缽滿免費

澳門優惠 盤滿缽滿免費 0

澳門優惠 盤滿缽滿免費 1

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澳門優惠 盤滿缽滿免費 4

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澳門優惠 盤滿缽滿免費 6

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【《盤滿缽滿:願望Boom and Bloom》今日舉行盛大開幕典禮!】
銀河娛樂集團主辦的《盤滿缽滿:願望Boom and Bloom》潮流藝術展於今日舉行盛大開幕典禮。我們榮幸邀請到澳門特別行政區政府文化局副局長鄭繼明先生及旅遊局旅遊產品及活動廳廳長司徒琳麗女士作為主禮嘉賓。策展人莫偉康、深圳藝術家陳睿、澳門藝術家劉欣珏,以及銀河娛樂集團企業事務董事林志成先生和銀河娛樂集團零售部行政副總裁黃興齡一同出席,見證這個藝術盛事的揭幕。


《盤滿鉢滿:願望Boom and Bloom》

【Grand Opening Ceremony of Boom and Bloom Today!】
The Boom and Bloom Exhibition, hosted by Galaxy Entertainment Group, held its grand opening ceremony today! It was graced by Mr. Cheang Kai Meng, Vice President of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government, and Ms. Jennifer Si Tou, Head of the Tourism Product and Events Department of the Macao Government Tourism Office. Curator Mr. Gary Mok, Shenzhen artist Ray Chan, Macau artist Sanchia Lau, along with Mr. Buddy Lam, Director of GEG Corporate Affairs, and Ms. Hazel Wong, Executive Vice President of Retail at GEG, also attended to witness the unveiling of this remarkable exhibition.

GEG has consistently upheld the philosophy of Culture + Art, dedicated to promoting artistic exchange in the Greater Bay Area. This exhibition features two popular artistic IPs, the Shake Money Tree and the Wishing Doll, set within a traditional Chinese garden. The various thematic artworks symbolize a prosperous new year, allowing guests to pray for abundant wealth and express their wishes for good fortune and blessings in the coming year. Additionally, the newly opened art boutique at GalaxyArt, interactive photo check-in zones, and regular art workshops aim to provide a comprehensive artistic experience for every visitor! Come and feel the artistic atmosphere as we welcome the new year with blessings!

Boom and Bloom Exhibition
Date: From now until March 9, 2025 (Free Admission)
Location: GalaxyArt, 1/F Galaxy Promenade, Galaxy Macau

#澳門銀河 #銀河時尚匯 #銀河藝萃 #盤滿鉢滿 #GalaxyMacau #GalaxyPromenade #ArtExhibition #GalaxyArt #BoomandBloom


資料來源: 銀河

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