戀愛電影館 2 6 首映 二月獻映推介

澳門優惠 2 6 首映 二月獻映推介 0

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2.6 首映 | 二月獻映 ᶜᵒᵐᶦⁿᵍ ˢᵒᵒⁿ

【預告 Trailer】
🏻🏻🏻 #工作細胞
🧬 Cells at Work! 🦠


★ #清水茜 所著同名漫畫作品改編的真人版電影
★ 日本累積票房收入 52 億 4 千萬日圓
★ 《First Love 初戀》 #佐藤健、《白晝的流星》 #永野芽郁 共同出演
★ 《神啊!請多給我一點時間》、《交響情人夢》系列導演武内英樹執導


由於高中少女漆崎日胡(蘆田愛菜 飾)過著健康生活,紅血球(永野芽郁 飾)與白血球(佐藤健 飾)一直在她體內愉快工作。反觀漆崎的父親.茂(阿部貞夫 飾)則好酒貪杯,食無定時,令身體淪為黑心工廠。細胞筋疲力竭下連番控訴,令他常感不適。而不知不覺間,病毒竟也悄悄入侵他們的身體,暗中蠕動,揭開史上最大「細胞戰爭」的序幕!

改編自人氣動畫《工作細胞》及《工作細胞 Black》,《飛翔吧!埼玉》爆笑編導組合一手打造,由永野芽郁、佐藤健等人氣巨星飾演「史上最微型的主角」,讓我們一起窺探細胞的有趣日常,以及人體奧秘吧!


【#電影館.#推介 Charms 】
🏻🏻🏻 #工作細胞
─── 場次表 ᵀᶦᵐᵉ ᵀᵃᵇˡᵉ ───
2/6 (THU) - 19:30
2/9 (SUN) - 16:30
2/15 (SAT) - 16:30
2/18 (TUE) - 19:30

★ Cumulative box office in Japan are 5.24 billion yen
Original Story: Cells at Work! by Akane Shimizu
★ Starred with Ken Sato and Mei Nagano

There are 37 trillion cells within the human body. The red blood cell (Mei Nagano) who carries the oxygen, a white blood cell [neutrophil] (Takeru Satoh) who fights bacteria, as well as countless other cells work night and day to protect your health and your life. High school student Niko Urushizaki (Mana Ashida) lives with her father Shigeru (Sadawo Abe). As she is studious and conscientious about having healthy habits in her everyday life, the cells in her body always work happily.

On the other hand, Shigeru’s irregular lifestyle and unhealthy food intake make his body a toxic work environment for his overworked cells who can’t stop complaining. They may be father and daughter, but the inside of their body is completely different. They get along well and live their eventful life happily. However, pathogens aiming to infiltrate the body are plotting their next move…

The cells’ greatest war yet for the future of the Urushizakis is underway!

Director: Hideki Takeuchi
Cast: Mei Nagano, Takeru Satoh, Mana Ashida, Sadawo Abe, Koji Yamamoto

🫧 即時開始購票 Start purchasing tickets now


資料來源: 戀愛電影館

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