銀河 在澳門禮物

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澳門優惠 在澳門禮物 5

澳門優惠 在澳門禮物 6

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!

在澳門,情人節這樣過才夠甜! 星級住宿、情人節限定美食和購物、甜蜜節目、喚醒多巴胺的SPA,手把手教你打造極浪漫

13:00 甜著逛個展
地點:銀河時尚匯1樓 #銀河藝萃

14:30 甜著喝個下午茶
#麗思酒廊 的寶詩龍聯名下午茶,標誌性Wladimir寵貓造型甜點萌化人心,還能去 #澳門銀河 寶詩龍店,領限定Jardin D’hiver咖啡杯,留住浪漫回憶。
電話: +853 8886 6868

16:00 甜著牽手逛街
帶愛人來 #銀河時尚匯 挑情人節禮物! 2月12至14日期間購物享高達5.5%返現!包括高達$60,000無門檻購物現金券,VIP會員更享2%消費回贈!更有各種情人節限定商品、品牌活動及工作坊等你來!

18:00 甜著做個SPA
逛累了享受一把 #澳門悦榕庄「心靜軒」頂級SPA!和愛人一起躺平,瞬間治癒疲憊!‍♀‍♂ 預約或查詢: +853 8883 6633

19:30 甜著吃情人節大餐
推薦 #庭園意大利餐廳 的「情意錦錦」主題情人套餐!在西西里紅蝦薄片及塔塔,鮮美的那不勒斯海鮮湯、牛腹肉等美食和香檳的加持下,告白成功率99%+!訂座:+853 8883 2221

22:00 甜蜜奢華住宿


【It’s a Love-Filled Getaway At Galaxy Macau!】
Looking for the perfect way to celebrate love? Macau has it all – luxurious stays, indulgent dining, romantic shopping, sweet surprises, and blissful spa moments. Follow this ultimate Valentine’s itinerary and make unforgettable memories!

1:00 PM – Art & Romance
Start with a dreamy stroll through the Boom and Bloom Exhibition: A Journey of Wishes and Rebirth at GalaxyArt. Snap cute couple photos under the giant money tree, craft DIY gifts, and pick a blind box for fun!

2:30 PM - Sweeten the Day with Afternoon Tea
Savor The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge X Boucheron Afternoon Tea Set, featuring Wladimir cat-shaped desserts that will melt your heart. Visit Boucheron at #GalaxyMacau to claim your free limited-edition Jardin D’ hiver coffee cup and cherish these romantic moments. Book now: +853 8886 6712

4:00 PM – Hand-in-Hand Shopping
Take your loved one to #GalaxyPromenade for perfect Valentines gift! From February 12-14, enjoy up to 5.5% shopping rebate, including $60,000 no-minimum spend shopping certificates and extra 2% rebate for VIP members.

6:00 PM – Spa and Serenity
Relax and recharge at the serene #BanyanTreeMacauSpa – a tranquil escape to melt away stress. ‍♀‍♂ Book now: +853 8883 6633

7:30 PM – A Romantic Dinner Date
Indulge in the “That’s Amore” set menu at #Terrazza Italian Restaurant, featuring Sicilian Red Prawn Carpaccio, Neapolitan Seafood Soup, Bavette Beef and more – paired with champagne for extra romantic touch! Book now: +853 8883 2221

10:00 PM - Luxurious Staycation
End the night in royal luxury at Galaxy Macau with your beloved ones.
Make this Valentine’s Day special and celebrate love in Macau!


資料來源: 銀河

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!