新濠 02 22 HeatWave狂熱派對 同OSN零距離互動免費
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【02.22 #HeatWave狂熱派對】 同OSN零距離互動
2月22號,超人氣創作歌手 高爾宣 OSN , 即將係 #新濠影滙水上樂園 帶嚟震撼節拍,同粉絲零距離互動!呢場濕身狂歡絕對係你同 OSN 面對面最佳機會,一齊跳入 #恆溫30度嘅玩水樂園 !現場除咗有歌手傾力演出 , 仲有DJ打碟, 美式啦啦隊一齊high爆全場!門票包埋3小時免費暢飲,盡情享受美酒同狂歡嘅雙重快感!
2025年嘅狂歡, 就由呢場濕身派對開始!
Heat Wave狂熱派對 | 2月22日
【02.22 #HeatWaveParty 】Party with OSN!
Get ready to turn up the heat in #StudioCityWaterPark on Feb 22 with #OSN who will take Heat Wave Party to an unforgettable night, and it is the best chance to dive into up close thrills with OSN at our all-year 30°C #IndoorWaterpark! Enjoy the electrifying atmosphere with on-site DJ and cheerleading performances that you will not forget and double the enjoyment with the 3-hour free flow drinking in the party!
New year, new waves – come and enjoy the splashy and wild fun!
HeatWaveParty | Feb 22
Time: 12:00-21:00
Ticket price: From MOP 468
More details: bit.ly/40uXCWh
#新濠影滙 #冬日恆温水上音樂節 #冬日恆温濕身音樂節 #音樂節 #StudioCity #MusicFest
資料來源: 新濠