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#情人節 將至,送禮要送到心坎裡!#澳門銀河 已精選了一系列大品牌限定新品、活動及禮遇,還有驚喜限時購物返現 讓愛意精準傳遞!

2月12至14日期間於 #銀河時尚匯 購物可享高達5.5%購物返現:

送她:甜蜜Dioramour限定系列!典雅Miss Caro迷你手袋&甜美Dior Caro心形小袋,加上白色羊絨刺繡毛衣節日甜度滿分!
送他:CD lcon圖案絲綢領帶低調沉穩,海軍藍迷你Saddle郵差袋和小巧實用的Dior Gravity皮革卡片套盡顯紳士風範

送他:條紋羊毛開襟毛衣經典耐看,簡約大氣Prada Buckle皮革手袋上身超型。優雅Re-Nylon華達呢領帶魅力十足~

【Tiffany & Co.】
送她:浪漫代名詞Tiffany Lock 全新系列,精選粉色藍寶石手工鑲嵌,鎖住甜蜜瞬間
送他:Tiffany Titan by Pharrell Williams系列,沉穩鈦金屬與璀璨鑽石成強烈對比,時尚感立即提升!

送給摯愛:Jeux de Liens系列吊墜,交叉連結形成無限符號象徵永恆愛情。Bee My Love情侶對戒六邊形蜂巢設計簡約大氣,圈在指尖守護真摯的愛

送給摯愛:全新GG Emblem系列,迷你水桶袋配俏皮貓頭鷹吊飾精緻實用。男士超迷你袋詮釋經典氣質,掛上Interlocking G銀色金屬貓頭鷹鑰匙扣時尚感up!

送給我們:節日限定系列LIPSTICK VALENTINES衛衣、TAPE TYPE RIPPED POCKET HOODIE衛衣、Signature Square AF太陽鏡還有BB大號腰帶,拿捏oversize甜酷感拍照秒出片!

【Miu Miu】


Valentines Day is just around the corner, it’s time to choose some heartfelt gifts for your special one! #GalaxyMacau has prepared a wide array of premium brands’s festive new arrivals and exclusive holiday shopping offers, along with surprise limited-time rebates to ensure your love is perfectly conveyed!

Overflowing Love for Valentine’s Day
From February 12 to 14, enjoy up to 5.5% rebate when shop at #GalaxyPromenade:
Up to $60,000 Gift Certificates (no minimum spend)
VIPs receive an additional 2% rebate

For Her: Delight her with the sweet Dioramour limited collection! An elegant Miss Caro mini bag or a charming Dior Caro heart pouch, plus a white Embroidered Sweater for that perfect festive touch!

For Him: A subtle yet stylish CD icon tie, a Dior Oblique Saddle messenger bag, and the practical Dior Gravity leather cardholder exude gentlemanly charm.

For Her: A denim blouson jacket matched with a leather top-handle bag, complemented by a playful Teddy bag charm for an added fashion flair.

For Him: A classic striped wool cardigan that’s always in style, paired with the Prada Buckle leather bag for a chic look. The elegant Re-Nylon gabardine tie adds a touch of charm!

Special Offer : From February 14 to 15, receive a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers with a personalized love tag when you shop.

【Tiffany & Co.】
For Her: The new Tiffany Lock collection, featuring 18K rose gold and pink sapphires to lock in sweet moments.

For Him: The Tiffany Titan by Pharrell Williams collection, with the contrast between titanium and diamonds elevate your style instantly!

Special Offer : Join the message candle workshop from February 13 to 16 to create a unique candle with your personal touch.

For Your Loved One: The Jeux de Liens pendant, inspired by infinity symbol to symbolize your eternal love. The Bee My Love couples ring features a stylish honeycomb design, safeguarding genuine affection.

Special Offer :Participate in the couples keychain workshop on February 14 to craft your own couple keychain.

For Your Loved One: The new GG Emblem collection, featuring a mini bucket bag with a playful owl-shaped bag charm. The mini bag for men captures classic charm, especially when adorned with Interlocking G owl keychain for added style!

Special Offer : From February 12 to 14, VIP customers will receive exclusive gifts and beautiful flower bouquets.

For Your Loved One: The limited LIPSTICK VALENTINES sweatshirt, TAPE TYPE RIPPED POCKET HOODIE, Signature Square AF sunglasses, and BB oversized belt create a sweet and cool oversized look perfect for photos!

【Miu Miu】
For Your Loved One: A chic chambray jacket with a velvet collar, a simple yet luxurious poplin shirt, and the classic Aventure Napa leather bag, topped off with a trendy dwill baseball cap—this is the perfect Valentine’s selection!

Special Offer : From February 14 to 15, enjoy personalized letter embroidery services on selected products.

Romance is a must! Head to Galaxy Macau to find sweet gifts for your loved one and create unforgettable Valentine’s Day memories!

#澳門購物 #情人節禮物 #情人節攻略 #MacauShopping #ValentinesDayGift #ValentinesDayGuide


資料來源: 銀河

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