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#徇眾要求 #加開最後一場

#隔壁的房間 𝒯𝒽ℯ ℛℴℴ𝓂 𝒩ℯ𝓍𝓉 𝒟ℴℴ𝓇

★ 西班牙國寶級導演 #艾慕杜華 首部英語長片
★ 2024年威尼斯影展金獅獎
★ 人間精靈 #蒂達史雲頓、大滿貫影后 #茱莉安摩亞,兩大影后強強聯袂
★ 圍繞安樂死議題,探討生死意義

Ingrid 與 Martha 年輕時期是一對好友,後來 Ingrid 成為小說作家,Martha 則成為戰地記者,兩人各奔前程,分道揚鑣。多年來她們失去聯絡,又卻在某種極端但動人的情況下再度重逢,更重拾夕日的友誼。可是,Martha 即將死去,Ingrid 亦將學到人生中珍貴的一課──認同及接受死亡。


【電影館推介 · Charms】
─── 場次表 ᵀᶦᵐᵉ ᵀᵃᵇˡᵉ ───
2/23 (週日) - 19:00

★ First English-language feature film by Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar
★ Golden Lion at the 2024 Venice Film Festival
★ A film about euthanasia and the meaning of life and death

Ingrid (Julianne Moore) and Martha (Tilda Swinton) were close friends in their youth, when they worked together at the same magazine. Ingrid went on to become an autofiction novelist while Martha became a war reporter, and they were separated by the circumstances of life. After years of being out of touch, they meet again in an extreme but strangely sweet situation.

Director: Pedro Almodóvar
Cast: Tilda Swinton, Julianne Moore

二月 | 繼續陪你走到最後


資料來源: 戀愛電影館

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