英皇娛樂酒店 情人優惠


🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!

【情人。限定】忙著迎接虎年的同時,可不要忘記緊接其後的情人節!我們特別推出了#情人節 #Staycation 優惠 ,讓你跟另一半可以於舒適寧靜嘅空間享受2人世界。晚餐可以一嚐 #貴族炉端燒放題 的滋味,有刺身、湯物、炸物、燒物、手卷、壽司、爐端燒及鐵板燒等等任你選擇,再配上日式清酒及少許甜言蜜語,讓另一半感受到滿滿的 #小確幸。

另外尊貴客房內亦細心地預備了意大利Prosecco氣泡酒及小禮物,一晚休息過後,還有雙人自助早餐為你的旅程畫上完美句號。而最驚喜之處,就是這個情人節套餐只需每位 MOP520* (兩位起),優惠數量有限,額滿即止!

立即預訂:+853 8986 7811

情人節 Staycation 套餐包括:
貴族炉端燒晚市放題 (無限暢飲,清酒、紅白酒及啤酒)
尊貴客房一晚 (加$300即可升級至行政套房)
售價: 每位$520 (兩位起)

【Couples Offer】While you are busy welcoming the Year of the Tiger, Valentines Day comes right next! Plan a festive escape and spend quality time with your loved ones. Our luxurious all-you-can-eat robatayaki dinner brings guests on an authentic Japanese culinary journey, with delectable sashimi, soup, tempura, skewers, rolls, sushi, teppanyaki, etc. Paired with Japanese sake and a little sweet talkmake a bliss.

In addition, Italian Prosecco sparkling wine and warming giftare nicely prepared in the premium room. Come with a fast buffet for two next morning to draw a perfect wrap to your journey. The #VDay package at only MOP$520* per person (2 pax. up)! Limited offer quantity, while stocks last!

Reservation:+853 8986 7811
More Details:https://rclip.me/894a0c90

The Valentines Day Staycation Package includes:
All-you-can-eat Robatayaki (unlimited drinks - sake, red and white wine, beer)
1-night stay in Executive Studio (Add MOP$300 upgrade to Executive Suite)
Breakfast buffet for 2 pax.
In-room delivery of a bottle of Italian Prosecco sparkling wine and an Emperor Army doll
Price: MOP$520/ person (2 pax. up)


資料來源: 英皇娛樂酒店

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!